▼Ncontrib | |
►Nplugins | |
►Naspaces | |
►Newf | |
CEWFAddressSpace | An EWF capable address space |
Cewffile | A file like object to provide access to the ewf file |
►Nenumfunc | |
CEnumFunc | Enumerate imported/exported functions |
►Nexample | |
CDateTime | A simple example plugin that gets the date/time information from a Windows image |
►Nmalware | |
►Npoisonivy | |
CPICONFIG | Class for Poison Ivy Configuration Block |
CPIHOST | Class for Poison Ivy Host/Proxy |
CPoisonIvyConfig | |
CPoisonIvyScan | |
CPoisonIvyTypesx86 | Modification for Poison Ivy |
►Npsempire | |
CPSEmpire | A plugin detecting the presence of PowerShell Empire |
►Nzeusscan | |
CCitadelScan1345 | Locate and Decrypt Citadel Configs |
CZeusScan1 | Locate and Decrypt Zeus > 1.20 and < 2.0 Configs |
CZeusScan2 | Locate and Decrypt Zeus >= 2.0 Configs |
CZeusVTypes | |
►Npagecheck | |
CPageCheck | Reads the available pages and reports if any are inaccessible |
►Npsdispscan | |
CCheckDTBAligned | Checks that _EPROCESS.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase is aligned to 0x20 |
CCheckSynchronization | Checks that _EPROCESS.WorkingSetLock and _EPROCESS.AddressCreationLock look valid |
CCheckThreadList | Checks that _EPROCESS thread list points to the kernel Address Space |
CDispatchHeaderCheck | A very fast check for an _EPROCESS.Pcb.Header |
CPSDispScan | Scan Physical memory for _EPROCESS objects based on their Dispatch Headers |
CPSDispScanner | This scanner carves things that look like _EPROCESS structures |
►Nsaveconfig | |
CSaveConfig | Generates Volatility configuration files |
►Nscanprof | |
CScanProfInstance | |
▼Nconvert | |
CDWARFParser | A parser for DWARF files |
▼Nvolatility | |
►Naddrspace | |
CAbstractDiscreteAllocMemory | A class based on memory stored as discrete allocations |
CAbstractRunBasedMemory | |
CAbstractVirtualAddressSpace | Base Ancestor for all Virtual address spaces, as determined by astype |
CASAssertionError | |
CBaseAddressSpace | This is the base class of all Address Spaces |
CBufferAddressSpace | This is a specialised AS for use internally - Its used to provide transparent support for a string buffer so types can be instantiated off the buffer |
►Ncache | |
CBlockingNode | Node that fails on all cache attempts and no-ops on cache storage attempts |
CCacheContainsGenerator | Exception raised when the cache contains a generator |
CCacheDecorator | This decorator will memoise a function in the cache |
CCacheNode | Base class for Cache nodes |
CCacheStorage | The base class for implementation storing the cache |
CCacheTree | An abstract structure which represents the cache tree |
CInvalidator | The Invalidator encapsulates program state to control invalidation of the cache |
CInvalidCache | Exception raised when the cache item is determined to be invalid |
CTestable | This is a mixin that makes a class response to the unit tests |
CTestDecorator | This decorator is just like a CacheDecorator, but will always cache fully |
►Ncommands | |
CCommand | Base class for each plugin command |
►Nconf | |
CConfObject | This is a singleton class to manage the configuration |
CDummyConfig | |
CPyFlagOptionParser | |
►Ndwarf | |
CDWARFParser | A parser for DWARF files |
►Nexceptions | |
CAddrSpaceError | Address Space Exception, so we can catch and deal with it in the main program |
CCacheRelativeURLException | Exception for gracefully not saving Relative URLs in the cache |
CVolatilityException | Generic Volatility Specific exception, to help differentiate from other exceptions |
►Nfmtspec | |
CFormatSpec | |
►Nobj | |
CArray | An array of objects of the same size |
CBaseObject | |
CBitField | A class splitting an integer into a bunch of bit |
Cclassproperty | |
CCType | A CType is an object which represents a c struct |
CInvalidOffsetError | Simple placeholder to identify invalid offsets |
CNativeType | |
CNoneObject | A magical object which is like None but swallows bad dereferences, getattribute, iterators etc to return itself |
CNumericProxyMixIn | This MixIn implements the numeric protocol |
CPointer | |
CPointer32 | |
CProfile | This must live here, otherwise there are circular dependency issues |
CProfileModification | Class for modifying profiles for additional functionality |
CVoid | |
CVolatilityMagic | Class to contain Volatility Magic value |
►Nplugins | |
►Naddrspaces | |
►Namd64 | |
CAMD64PagedMemory | Standard AMD 64-bit address space |
►Narm | |
CArmAddressSpace | Address space for ARM processors |
►Ncrash | |
CWindowsCrashDumpSpace32 | This AS supports windows Crash Dump format |
CWindowsCrashDumpSpace64 | This AS supports windows Crash Dump format |
►Ncrashbmp | |
CBitmapDmpVTypes | |
CWindowsCrashDumpSpace64BitMap | This AS supports Windows BitMap Crash Dump format |
►Nelfcoredump | |
CDBGFCOREDESCRIPTOR | A class for VBox core dump descriptors |
CQemuCoreDumpElf | This AS supports Qemu ELF32 and ELF64 coredump format |
CVirtualBoxCoreDumpElf64 | This AS supports VirtualBox ELF64 coredump format |
CVirtualBoxModification | |
►Nhibernate | |
CStore | |
CWindowsHiberFileSpace32 | This is a hibernate address space for windows hibernation files |
►Nhpak | |
CHPAK_HEADER | A class for B.S |
CHPAKAddressSpace | This AS supports the HPAK format |
CHPAKVTypes | |
►Nieee1394 | |
CFirewireAddressSpace | A physical layer address space that provides access via firewire |
CFWForensic1394 | |
CFWRaw1394 | |
►Nintel | |
CIA32PagedMemory | Standard IA-32 paging address space |
CIA32PagedMemoryPae | This class implements the IA-32 PAE paging address space |
►Nlime | |
CLimeAddressSpace | Address space for Lime |
CLimeTypes | |
►Nmacho | |
CMachOAddressSpace | Address space for mach-o files to support atc-ny memory reader |
►Nosxpmemelf | |
COSXPmemELF | This AS supports VirtualBox ELF64 coredump format |
►Npaged | |
CAbstractPagedMemory | Class to handle all the details of a paged virtual address space |
CAbstractWritablePagedMemory | Mixin class that can be used to add write functionality to any standard address space that supports write() and vtop() |
►Nstandard | |
CFileAddressSpace | This is a direct file AS |
►Nvmem | |
CVMWareMetaAddressSpace | This AS supports the VMEM format with VMSN/VMSS metadata |
►Nvmware | |
C_VMWARE_GROUP | A class for VMware Groups |
C_VMWARE_HEADER | A class for VMware VMSS/VMSN files |
C_VMWARE_TAG | A class for VMware Tags |
CVMWareAddressSpace | This AS supports VMware snapshot (VMSS) and saved state (VMSS) files |
CVMwareVTypesModification | Apply the necessary VTypes for parsing VMware headers |
►Nbigpagepools | |
CBigPagePoolScanner | Scanner for big page pools |
CBigPageTable | Find the directory of big page pools |
CBigPageTableMagic | Determine the distance to the big page pool trackers |
CBigPools | Dump the big page pools using BigPagePoolScanner |
CPoolTrackTypeOverlay | |
►Nbioskbd | |
CBiosKbd | Reads the keyboard buffer from Real Mode memory |
►Ncmdline | |
CCmdline | Display process command-line arguments |
►Ncommon | |
CAbstractScanCommand | A command built to provide the common options that should be available to Volatility's various scanning plugins |
CAbstractWindowsCommand | |
►Nconnections | |
CConnections | Print list of open connections [Windows XP and 2003 Only]
►Nconnscan | |
CConnScan | Pool scanner for tcp connections |
CPoolScanConn | Pool scanner for tcp connections |
►Ncrashinfo | |
C_DMP_HEADER | A class for crash dumps |
CCrashInfo | Dump crash-dump information |
CCrashInfoModification | Applies overlays for crash dump headers |
►Ndlldump | |
CDLLDump | Dump DLLs from a process address space |
►Ndrivermodule | |
Cdrivermodule | Associate driver objects to kernel modules |
►Ndumpcerts | |
C_PKCS_PRIVATE_CERT | Class for PKCS private key certificates |
C_X509_PUBLIC_CERT | Class for x509 public key certificates |
CDumpCerts | Dump RSA private and public SSL keys |
CSSLKeyModification | Applies to all windows profiles (maybe linux?) |
►Ndumpfiles | |
CControlAreaModification | |
CDumpFiles | Extract memory mapped and cached files |
CDumpFilesVTypesx86 | This modification applies the vtypes for all versions of 32bit Windows |
►Nenvars | |
CEnvars | |
►Nevtlogs | |
CEvtLogs | Extract Windows Event Logs (XP/2003 only) |
CEVTObjectTypes | |
►Nfilescan | |
CDriverScan | Pool scanner for driver objects |
CFileScan | Pool scanner for file objects |
CMutantScan | Pool scanner for mutex objects |
CPoolScanDriver | Pool scanner for driver objects |
CPoolScanFile | Pool scanner for file objects |
CPoolScanMutant | Pool scanner for mutex objects |
CPoolScanProcess | Pool scanner for process objects |
CPoolScanSymlink | Pool scanner for symlink objects |
CPSScan | Pool scanner for process objects |
CSymLinkScan | Pool scanner for symlink objects |
►Ngetservicesids | |
CGetServiceSids | Get the names of services in the Registry and return Calculated SID |
►Ngetsids | |
CGetSIDs | Print the SIDs owning each process |
►Ngui | |
►Natoms | |
CAtoms | Print session and window station atom tables |
CAtomScan | Pool scanner for atom tables |
CPoolScanAtom | Pool scanner for atom tables |
►Nclipboard | |
CClipboard | Extract the contents of the windows clipboard |
►Nconstants | |
CFakeAtom | |
►Ndesktops | |
CDeskScan | Poolscaner for tagDESKTOP (desktops) |
►Neditbox | |
C_COMBOBOX_x64 | |
C_COMBOBOX_x86 | |
C_EDIT_x64 | |
C_EDIT_x86 | |
C_LISTBOX_x64 | |
C_LISTBOX_x86 | |
CEditBox | Dumps various data from ComCtl Edit controls (experimental: ListBox, ComboBox) |
CEditBoxObjectClasses | Add the new class definitions |
CEditBoxVTypes | This modification adds the gdi_types_x(86|64) |
►Neventhooks | |
CEventHooks | Print details on windows event hooks |
►Ngahti | |
CGahti | Dump the USER handle type information |
►Ngditimers | |
CGDITimers | Print installed GDI timers and callbacks |
►Nmessagehooks | |
CMessageHooks | List desktop and thread window message hooks |
►Nscreenshot | |
CScreenshot | Save a pseudo-screenshot based on GDI windows |
►Nsessions | |
CSessions | List details on _MM_SESSION_SPACE (user logon sessions) |
CSessionsMixin | This is a mixin that plugins can inherit for access to the main sessions APIs |
►Nuserhandles | |
CUserHandles | Dump the USER handle tables |
►Nvtypes | |
►Nvista | |
CVista2008x64GuiVTypes | |
CVista2008x86GuiVTypes | |
►Nwin2003 | |
CWin2003x86GuiVTypes | Apply the overlays for Windows 2003 x86 (builds on Windows XP x86) |
►Nwin7 | |
C_MM_SESSION_SPACE | A class for session spaces on Windows 7 |
CtagSHAREDINFO | A class for shared info blocks on Windows 7 |
CWin7GuiOverlay | Apply general overlays for Windows 7 |
CWin7SP0x64GuiVTypes | Apply the base vtypes for Windows 7 SP0 x64 |
CWin7SP0x86GuiVTypes | Apply the base vtypes for Windows 7 SP0 x86 |
CWin7SP1x64GuiVTypes | Apply the base vtypes for Windows 7 SP1 x64 |
CWin7SP1x86GuiVTypes | Apply the base vtypes for Windows 7 SP1 x86 |
CWin7Vista2008x64Timers | Apply the tagTIMER for Windows 7, Vista, and 2008 x64 |
CWin7Vista2008x86Timers | Apply the tagTIMER for Windows 7, Vista, and 2008 x86 |
CWin7Win32KCoreClasses | Apply the core object classes for Windows 7 |
►Nwin8 | |
C_RTL_ATOM_TABLE_ENTRY | A class for atom table entries |
CWin8x64Gui | |
CWin8x86Gui | |
►Nxp | |
CXP2003x64BaseVTypes | Applies to Windows XP and 2003 x64 |
CXP2003x86BaseVTypes | Applies to everything x86 before Windows 7 |
►Nwin32k_core | |
C_HANDLEENTRY | A for USER handle entries |
C_MM_SESSION_SPACE | A class for session spaces |
C_RTL_ATOM_TABLE | A class for atom tables |
C_RTL_ATOM_TABLE_ENTRY | A class for atom table entries |
CAtomTablex64Overlay | Apply the atom table overlays for all x64 Windows |
CAtomTablex86Overlay | Apply the atom table overlays for all x86 Windows |
CtagCLIPDATA | A class for clipboard objects |
CtagDESKTOP | A class for Desktop objects |
CtagEVENTHOOK | A class for event hooks |
CtagHOOK | A class for message hooks |
CtagRECT | A class for window rects |
CtagSHAREDINFO | A class for shared info blocks |
CtagTHREADINFO | A class for thread information objects |
CtagWINDOWSTATION | A class for Windowstation objects |
CtagWND | A class for window structures |
CWin32KCoreClasses | Apply the core object classes |
CWin32KGahtiVType | Apply a vtype for win32k!gahti |
CWin32Kx64VTypes | Applies to all x64 windows profiles |
CWin32Kx86VTypes | Applies to all x86 windows profiles |
CXP2003x64TimerVType | Apply the tagTIMER for XP and 2003 x64 |
CXP2003x86TimerVType | Apply the tagTIMER for XP and 2003 x86 |
CXPx86SessionOverlay | Apply the ResidentProcessCount overlay for x86 XP session spaces |
►Nwindows | |
CWindows | Print Desktop Windows (verbose details) |
CWinTree | Print Z-Order Desktop Windows Tree |
►Nwindowstations | |
CPoolScanWind | PoolScanner for window station objects |
CWndScan | Pool scanner for window stations |
►Nhandles | |
CHandles | Print list of open handles for each process |
►Nheaps | |
CHeapModification | |
►Nhibinfo | |
CHibInfo | Dump hibernation file information |
►Nhpakinfo | |
CHPAKExtract | Extract physical memory from an HPAK file |
CHPAKInfo | Info on an HPAK file |
►Niehistory | |
C_URL_RECORD | A class for URL and LEAK records |
CIEHistory | Reconstruct Internet Explorer cache / history |
CIEHistoryVTypes | Apply structures for IE history parsing |
►Nimagecopy | |
CImageCopy | Copies a physical address space out as a raw DD image |
►Nimageinfo | |
CImageInfo | Identify information for the image |
►Njoblinks | |
CJobLinks | Print process job link information |
►Nkdbgscan | |
CKDBGScan | Search for and dump potential KDBG values |
CKDBGScanner | |
CMultiPrefixFinderCheck | Checks for multiple strings per page, finishing at the offset |
CMultiStringFinderCheck | Checks for multiple strings per page |
►Nkpcrscan | |
CKPCRScan | Search for and dump potential KPCR values |
CKPCRScanner | |
CKPCRScannerCheck | Checks the self referential pointers to find KPCRs |
►Nlinux | |
►Napihooks | |
Clinux_apihooks | Checks for userland apihooks |
►Narp | |
Ca_ent | |
Clinux_arp | Print the ARP table |
►Nbanner | |
Clinux_banner | Prints the Linux banner information |
►Nbash | |
C_hist_entry | A class for history entries |
CBashTypes | |
Clinux_bash | Recover bash history from bash process memory |
►Nbash_hash | |
C_bash_hash_table | |
CBashHashTypes | |
Clinux_bash_hash | Recover bash hash table from bash process memory |
►Ncheck_afinfo | |
Clinux_check_afinfo | Verifies the operation function pointers of network protocols |
►Ncheck_creds | |
Clinux_check_creds | Checks if any processes are sharing credential structures |
►Ncheck_evt_arm | |
Clinux_check_evt_arm | Checks the Exception Vector Table to look for syscall table hooking |
►Ncheck_fops | |
Clinux_check_fop | Check file operation structures for rootkit modifications |
►Ncheck_idt | |
Clinux_check_idt | Checks if the IDT has been altered |
CLinuxIDTTypes | |
►Ncheck_inline_kernel | |
Clinux_check_inline_kernel | Check for inline kernel hooks |
►Ncheck_modules | |
Clinux_check_modules | Compares module list to sysfs info, if available |
►Ncheck_syscall | |
Clinux_check_syscall | Checks if the system call table has been altered |
►Ncheck_syscall_arm | |
Clinux_check_syscall_arm | Checks if the system call table has been altered |
►Ncommon | |
CAbstractLinuxARMCommand | |
CAbstractLinuxCommand | |
CAbstractLinuxIntelCommand | |
Cvol_timespec | |
►Ncpuinfo | |
Clinux_cpuinfo | Prints info about each active processor |
►Ndentry_cache | |
Clinux_dentry_cache | Gather files from the dentry cache |
►Ndmesg | |
Clinux_dmesg | Gather dmesg buffer |
►Ndump_map | |
Clinux_dump_map | Writes selected memory mappings to disk |
►Nelfs | |
Clinux_elfs | Find ELF binaries in process mappings |
►Nenumerate_files | |
Clinux_enumerate_files | Lists files referenced by the filesystem cache |
►Nfind_file | |
Clinux_find_file | Lists and recovers files from memory |
►Ngetcwd | |
Clinux_getcwd | Lists current working directory of each process |
►Nhidden_modules | |
Clinux_hidden_modules | Carves memory to find hidden kernel modules |
►Nifconfig | |
Clinux_ifconfig | Gathers active interfaces |
►Ninfo_regs | |
Clinux_info_regs | It's like 'info registers' in GDB |
►Niomem | |
Clinux_iomem | Provides output similar to /proc/iomem |
►Nkernel_opened_files | |
Clinux_kernel_opened_files | Lists files that are opened from within the kernel |
►Nkeyboard_notifiers | |
Clinux_keyboard_notifiers | Parses the keyboard notifier call chain |
►Nld_env | |
Clinux_dynamic_env | Recover a process' dynamic environment variables |
►Nldrmodules | |
Clinux_ldrmodules | Compares the output of proc maps with the list of libraries from libdl |
►Nlibc_env | |
Clinux_bash_env | Recover a process' dynamic environment variables |
►Nlibrary_list | |
Clinux_library_list | Lists libraries loaded into a process |
►Nlibrarydump | |
Clinux_librarydump | Dumps shared libraries in process memory to disk |
►Nlime | |
CLiMEInfo | Dump Lime file format information |
►Nlinux_strings | |
Clinux_strings | Match physical offsets to virtual addresses (may take a while, VERY verbose) |
►Nlinux_truecrypt | |
Clinux_truecrypt_passphrase | Recovers cached Truecrypt passphrases |
CLinuxTruecryptModification | A modification for Linux Truecrypt passphrases |
CPassphraseScanner | A scanner over all memory regions of a process |
►Nlinux_volshell | |
Clinux_volshell | Shell in the memory image |
►Nlinux_yarascan | |
Clinux_yarascan | A shell in the Linux memory image |
CVmaYaraScanner | A scanner over all memory regions of a process |
►Nlist_raw | |
Clinux_list_raw | List applications with promiscuous sockets |
►Nlsmod | |
Clinux_lsmod | Gather loaded kernel modules |
Clinux_moddump | Extract loaded kernel modules |
►Nlsof | |
Clinux_lsof | Lists file descriptors and their path |
►Nmalfind | |
Clinux_malfind | Looks for suspicious process mappings |
►Nmount | |
Clinux_mount | Gather mounted fs/devices |
►Nmount_cache | |
Clinux_mount_cache | Gather mounted fs/devices from kmem_cache |
►Nnetfilter | |
Clinux_netfilter | Lists Netfilter hooks |
►Nnetscan | |
Clinux_netscan | Carves for network connection structures |
►Nnetstat | |
Clinux_netstat | Lists open sockets |
►Npidhashtable | |
Clinux_pidhashtable | Enumerates processes through the PID hash table |
►Npkt_queues | |
Clinux_pkt_queues | Writes per-process packet queues out to disk |
►Nplthook | |
Clinux_plthook | Scan ELF binaries' PLT for hooks to non-NEEDED images |
►Nproc_maps | |
Clinux_proc_maps | Gathers process memory maps |
►Nproc_maps_rb | |
Clinux_proc_maps_rb | Gathers process maps for linux through the mappings red-black tree |
►Nprocdump | |
Clinux_procdump | Dumps a process's executable image to disk |
►Nprocess_hollow | |
Clinux_process_hollow | Checks for signs of process hollowing |
►Nprocess_info | |
Clinux_process_info | Plugin to gather info for a task/process |
Cprocess_info | A class to collect various information about a process/task |
►Nprocess_stack | |
Clinux_process_stack | Plugin to do analysis on the stack of user space applications |
Cstack_frame | A class to record info about a stack frame |
►Npsaux | |
Clinux_psaux | Gathers processes along with full command line and start time |
►Npsenv | |
Clinux_psenv | Gathers processes along with their static environment variables |
►Npslist | |
Clinux_memmap | Dumps the memory map for linux tasks |
Clinux_pslist | Gather active tasks by walking the task_struct->task list |
►Npslist_cache | |
Clinux_pslist_cache | Gather tasks from the kmem_cache |
►Npstree | |
Clinux_pstree | Shows the parent/child relationship between processes |
►Npsxview | |
Clinux_psxview | |
►Nrecover_filesystem | |
Clinux_recover_filesystem | Recovers the entire cached file system from memory |
►Nroute_cache | |
Clinux_route_cache | Recovers the routing cache from memory |
►Nsk_buff_cache | |
Clinux_sk_buff_cache | Recovers packets from the sk_buff kmem_cache |
►Nslab_info | |
Ckmem_cache | |
Ckmem_cache_slab | |
Clinux_slabinfo | Mimics /proc/slabinfo on a running machine |
CLinuxKmemCacheOverlay | |
►Nthreads | |
Clinux_threads | Prints threads of processes |
►Ntmpfs | |
Clinux_tmpfs | Recovers tmpfs filesystems from memory |
►Ntty_check | |
Clinux_check_tty | Checks tty devices for hooks |
►Nvma_cache | |
Clinux_vma_cache | Gather VMAs from the vm_area_struct cache |
►Nmac | |
►Nadiummsgs | |
Cmac_adium | Lists Adium messages |
►Napihooks | |
Cmac_apihooks | Checks for API hooks in processes |
►Napihooks_kernel | |
Cmac_apihooks_kernel | Checks to see if system call and kernel functions are hooked |
►Narp | |
Cmac_arp | Prints the arp table |
►Nbash | |
C_mac_hist_entry | A class for history entries |
Cbash32_hist_entry | |
Cbash64_hist_entry | |
Cmac_bash | Recover bash history from bash process memory |
CMacBashTypes | |
►Nbash_env | |
Cmac_bash_env | Recover bash's environment variables |
►Nbash_hash | |
Cbash_funcs | |
Cmac32_bash_hash_table | |
Cmac32_bucket_contents | |
Cmac32_pathdata | |
Cmac64_bash_hash_table | |
Cmac64_bucket_contents | |
Cmac64_pathdata | |
Cmac_bash_hash | Recover bash hash table from bash process memory |
CMacBashHashTypes | |
►Ncalendar | |
Cmac_calendar | Gets calendar events from Calendar.app |
►Ncheck_mig_table | |
Cmac_check_mig_table | Lists entires in the kernel's MIG table |
►Ncheck_syscall_shadow | |
Cmac_check_syscall_shadow | Looks for shadow system call tables |
►Ncheck_syscall_table | |
Cmac_check_syscalls | Checks to see if system call table entries are hooked |
►Ncheck_sysctl | |
Cmac_check_sysctl | Checks for unknown sysctl handlers |
►Ncheck_trap_table | |
Cmac_check_trap_table | Checks to see if mach trap table entries are hooked |
►Ncommon | |
CAbstractMacCommand | |
►Ncompressed_swap | |
Cmac_compressed_swap | Prints Mac OS X VM compressor stats and dumps all compressed pages |
►Ncontacts | |
Cmac_contacts | Gets contact names from Contacts.app |
►Ndead_procs | |
Cmac_dead_procs | Prints terminated/de-allocated processes |
►Ndead_sockets | |
Cmac_dead_sockets | Prints terminated/de-allocated network sockets |
►Ndead_vnodes | |
Cmac_dead_vnodes | Lists freed vnode structures |
►Ndlyd_maps | |
Cmac_dyld_maps | Gets memory maps of processes from dyld data structures |
►Ndmesg | |
Cmac_dmesg | Prints the kernel debug buffer |
►Ndump_files | |
Cmac_dump_file | Dumps a specified file |
►Ndump_map | |
Cmac_dump_maps | Dumps memory ranges of process(es), optionally including pages in compressed swap |
►Nfind_aslr_shift | |
Cmac_find_aslr_shift | Find the ASLR shift value for 10.8+ images |
►Nget_profile | |
CcatfishScan | Scanner for Catfish string for Mountain Lion |
Cmac_get_profile | Automatically detect Mac profiles |
►Ngkextmap | |
Cmac_lsmod_kext_map | Lists loaded kernel modules |
►Nifconfig | |
Cmac_ifconfig | Lists network interface information for all devices |
►Nip_filters | |
Cmac_ip_filters | Reports any hooked IP filters |
►Nkeychaindump | |
Cmac_keychaindump | Recovers possbile keychain keys |
►Nldrmodules | |
Cmac_ldrmodules | Compares the output of proc maps with the list of libraries from libdl |
►Nlibrarydump | |
Cmac_librarydump | Dumps the executable of a process |
►Nlist_files | |
Cmac_list_files | Lists files in the file cache |
►Nlist_kauth_listeners | |
Cmac_list_kauth_listeners | Lists Kauth Scope listeners |
►Nlist_kauth_scopes | |
Cmac_list_kauth_scopes | Lists Kauth Scopes and their status |
►Nlist_raw | |
Cmac_list_raw | List applications with promiscuous sockets |
►Nlist_zones | |
Cmac_list_zones | Prints active zones |
►Nlsmod | |
Cmac_lsmod | Lists loaded kernel modules |
►Nlsmod_iokit | |
Cmac_lsmod_iokit | Lists loaded kernel modules through IOkit |
►Nlsof | |
Cmac_lsof | Lists per-process opened files |
►Nmac_strings | |
Cmac_strings | Match physical offsets to virtual addresses (may take a while, VERY verbose) |
►Nmac_volshell | |
Cmac_volshell | Shell in the memory image |
►Nmac_yarascan | |
Cmac_yarascan | Scan memory for yara signatures |
CMapYaraScanner | A scanner over all memory regions of a process |
►Nmachine_info | |
Cmac_machine_info | Prints machine information about the sample |
►Nmalfind | |
Cmac_malfind | Looks for suspicious process mappings |
►Nmemdump | |
Cmac_memdump | Dump addressable memory pages to a file |
►Nmoddump | |
Cmac_moddump | Writes the specified kernel extension to disk |
►Nmount | |
Cmac_mount | Prints mounted device information |
►Nnetconns | |
Cmac_network_conns | Lists network connections from kernel network structures |
►Nnetstat | |
Cmac_netstat | Lists active per-process network connections |
►Nnotesapp | |
Cmac_notesapp | Finds contents of Notes messages |
►Nnotifiers | |
Cmac_notifiers | Detects rootkits that add hooks into I/O Kit (e.g |
►Norphan_threads | |
Cmac_orphan_threads | Lists threads that don't map back to known modules/processes |
►Npgrp_hash_table | |
Cmac_pgrp_hash_table | Walks the process group hash table |
►Npid_hash_table | |
Cmac_pid_hash_table | Walks the pid hash table |
►Nprint_boot_cmdline | |
Cmac_print_boot_cmdline | Prints kernel boot arguments |
►Nproc_maps | |
Cmac_proc_maps | Gets memory maps of processes |
►Nprocdump | |
Cmac_procdump | Dumps the executable of a process |
►Npsaux | |
Cmac_psaux | Prints processes with arguments in user land (**argv) |
►Npsenv | |
Cmac_psenv | Prints processes with environment in user land (**envp) |
►Npslist | |
Cmac_pslist | List Running Processes |
►Npstasks | |
Cmac_tasks | List Active Tasks |
►Npstree | |
Cmac_pstree | Show parent/child relationship of processes |
►Npsxview | |
Cmac_psxview | |
►Nrecover_filesystem | |
Cmac_recover_filesystem | Recover the cached filesystem |
►Nroute | |
Cmac_route | Prints the routing table |
►Nsession_hash_table | |
Cmac_list_sessions | Enumerates sessions |
►Nsocket_filters | |
Cmac_socket_filters | Reports socket filters |
►Nthreads | |
Cmac_threads | List Process Threads |
CMacObjectClasses2 | |
CMacObjectClasses4 | |
Cqueue_entry | |
►Nthreads_simple | |
Cmac_threads_simple | Lists threads along with their start time and priority |
►Ntrustedbsd | |
Cmac_trustedbsd | Lists malicious trustedbsd policies |
►Nversion | |
Cmac_version | Prints the Mac version |
►NWKdm | |
CWKdm | |
►Nmachoinfo | |
CMachOInfo | Dump Mach-O file format information |
►Nmalware | |
►Napihooks | |
CApiHooks | Detect API hooks in process and kernel memory |
CHook | A class for API hooks |
CMalwareWSPVTypes | |
CModuleGroup | A class to assist with module lookups |
►Ncallbacks | |
C_SHUTDOWN_PACKET | Class for shutdown notification callbacks |
CAbstractCallbackScanner | Return the offset of the callback, no object headers |
CCallbackMods | |
CCallbacks | Print system-wide notification routines |
CPoolScanDbgPrintCallback | PoolScanner for DebugPrint Callbacks on Vista and 7 |
CPoolScanFSCallback | PoolScanner for File System Callbacks |
CPoolScanGenericCallback | PoolScanner for Generic Callbacks |
CPoolScanPnp9 | PoolScanner for Pnp9 (EventCategoryHardwareProfileChange) |
CPoolScanPnpC | PoolScanner for PnpC (EventCategoryTargetDeviceChange) |
CPoolScanPnpD | PoolScanner for PnpD (EventCategoryDeviceInterfaceChange) |
CPoolScanRegistryCallback | PoolScanner for DebugPrint Callbacks on Vista and 7 |
CPoolScanShutdownCallback | PoolScanner for Shutdown Callbacks |
►Ncmdhistory | |
C_COMMAND_HISTORY | Object class for command histories |
C_CONSOLE_INFORMATION | Object class for console information structs |
C_CONSOLE_PROCESS | Object class for console process |
C_EXE_ALIAS_LIST | Object class for alias lists |
C_SCREEN_INFORMATION | Object class for screen information |
CCmdHistoryObjectClasses | This modification applies the object classes for all versions of 32bit Windows |
CCmdHistoryVTypesWin7x64 | This modification applies the vtypes for 64bit Windows starting with Windows 7 |
CCmdHistoryVTypesWin7x86 | This modification applies the vtypes for 32bit Windows starting with Windows 7 |
CCmdHistoryVTypesx64 | This modification applies the vtypes for 64bit Windows up to Windows 7 |
CCmdHistoryVTypesx86 | This modification applies the vtypes for 32bit Windows up to Windows 7 |
CCmdScan | Extract command history by scanning for _COMMAND_HISTORY |
CConsoles | Extract command history by scanning for _CONSOLE_INFORMATION |
►Ndevicetree | |
CDeviceTree | |
CDriverIrp | |
CMalwareDrivers | |
►Nidt | |
C_KGDTENTRY | A class for GDT entries |
C_KIDTENTRY | Class for interrupt descriptors |
CGDT | |
CIDT | |
CMalwareIDTGDTx86 | |
►Nimpscan | |
CImpScan | Scan for calls to imported functions |
►Nmalfind | |
CBaseYaraScanner | An address space scanner for Yara signatures |
CDiscontigYaraScanner | A Scanner for Discontiguous scanning |
CLdrModules | |
CMalfind | |
CVadYaraScanner | A scanner over all memory regions of a process |
CYaraScan | |
►Npsxview | |
C_PSP_CID_TABLE | Subclass the Windows handle table object for parsing PspCidTable |
CMalwarePspCid | |
CPsXview | |
►Nservicediff | |
CServiceDiff | |
►Nsvcscan | |
CService8x64 | Service structures for Win8/8.1 and Server2012/R2 64-bit |
CService8x86 | Service structures for Win8/8.1 32-bit |
CServiceBase | The base applies to XP and 2003 SP0-SP1 |
CServiceBasex64 | This overrides the base x86 vtypes with x64 vtypes |
CServiceVista | Override the base with OC's for Vista, 2008, and 7 |
CServiceVistax64 | Override the base with vtypes for x64 Vista, 2008, and 7 |
CServiceVistax86 | Override the base with vtypes for x86 Vista, 2008, and 7 |
CSvcScan | |
►Nthreads | |
CAbstractThreadCheck | Base thread check class |
CAttachedProcess | Detect threads attached to another process |
CDkomExit | Detect inconsistencies wrt exit times and termination |
CHideFromDebug | Detect threads hidden from debuggers |
CHookedSSDT | Check if a thread is using a hooked SSDT |
CHwBreakpoint | Detect threads with hardware breakpoints |
CImpersonation | Detect impersonating threads |
CMalwareKthread | |
COrphanThread | Detect orphan threads |
CScannerOnly | Detect threads no longer in a linked list |
CSystemThread | Detect system threads |
CThreads | |
►Ntimers | |
CTimers | Print kernel timers and associated module DPCs |
CTimerVTypes | |
►Nmbrparser | |
CMbrObjectTypes | |
CMBRParser | Scans for and parses potential Master Boot Records (MBRs) |
CMBRScanner | |
►Nmftparser | |
CMFTParser | Scans for and parses potential MFT entries |
CMFTScanner | |
CUnicodeString | |
►Nmoddump | |
CModDump | Dump a kernel driver to an executable file sample |
►Nmodscan | |
CModScan | Pool scanner for kernel modules |
CPoolScanModule | Pool scanner for kernel modules |
CPoolScanThread | Pool scanner for thread objects |
CThrdScan | Pool scanner for thread objects |
►Nmodules | |
CModules | Print list of loaded modules |
CUnloadedModules | Print list of unloaded modules |
►Nmultiscan | |
CMultiScan | Scan for various objects at once |
►Nnetscan | |
C_TCP_ENDPOINT | Class for objects found in TcpE pools |
C_TCP_LISTENER | Class for objects found in TcpL pools |
C_UDP_ENDPOINT | Class for objects found in UdpA pools |
CNetscan | Scan a Vista (or later) image for connections and sockets |
CNetscanObjectClasses | Network OCs for Vista, 2008, and 7 x86 and x64 |
CPoolScanTcpEndpoint | PoolScanner for TCP Endpoints |
CPoolScanTcpListener | PoolScanner for Tcp Listeners |
CPoolScanUdpEndpoint | PoolScanner for Udp Endpoints |
►Nnotepad | |
C_HEAP | A Heap on XP and 2003 |
C_HEAP_ENTRY | A Heap Entry |
C_HEAP_SEGMENT | A Heap Segment on XP and 2003 |
CNotepad | List currently displayed notepad text |
CXPHeapModification | |
►Nobjtypescan | |
CObjectTypeKeyModification | |
CObjectTypeScanner | Pool scanner for object type objects |
CObjTypeScan | Scan for Windows object type objects |
►Noverlays | |
►Nbasic | |
CBasicObjectClasses | |
CEnumeration | Enumeration class for handling multiple possible meanings for a single value |
CFlags | This object decodes each flag into a string |
CIpAddress | Provides proper output for IpAddress objects |
CIpv6Address | Provides proper output for Ipv6Address objects |
CString | Class for dealing with Strings |
CUnixTimeStamp | Class for handling Unix Time Stamps |
CVOLATILITY_MAGIC | Class representing a VOLATILITY_MAGIC namespace |
CVolatilityDTB | |
CVolatilityMaxAddress | The maximum address of a profile's underlying AS |
►Nlinux | |
►Nelf | |
Celf | |
Celf32_dyn | |
Celf32_link_map | |
Celf32_note | |
Celf32_phdr | |
Celf32_rel | |
Celf32_rela | |
Celf32_shdr | |
Celf32_sym | |
CELF32Modification | |
Celf64_dyn | |
Celf64_link_map | |
Celf64_note | |
Celf64_phdr | |
Celf64_rel | |
Celf64_rela | |
Celf64_shdr | |
Celf64_sym | |
CELF64Modification | |
Celf_dyn | An elf dynamic section struct |
Celf_hdr | An ELF header |
Celf_link_map | An libdl link map structure |
Celf_note | An ELF note header |
Celf_phdr | An elf program header |
Celf_rel | An elf relocation |
Celf_rela | An elf relocation |
Celf_shdr | An elf section header |
Celf_sym | An elf symbol struct |
CELFModification | |
►Nlinux | |
Cdentry | |
Cdesc_struct | |
Cfiles_struct | |
Cgate_struct64 | |
Chlist_bl_node | A list_head makes a doubly linked list |
Chlist_node | A hlist_node makes a doubly linked list |
Cin_device | |
Cinet_sock | Class for an internet socket object |
Cinode | |
Ckernel_param | |
Ckparam_array | |
Clinux_file | |
Clinux_fs_struct | |
CLinuxGate64Overlay | |
CLinuxIntelOverlay | |
CLinuxMountOverlay | |
CLinuxObjectClasses | |
CLinuxOverlay | |
CLinuxPermissionFlags | A Flags object for printing vm_area_struct permissions in a format like rwx or r-x |
Clist_head | A list_head makes a doubly linked list |
Cmodule_sect_attr | |
Cmodule_struct | |
Cmount | |
Cnet_device | |
Cpage | |
Csock | |
Csuper_block | |
Ctask_struct | |
Ctimespec | |
Ctty_ldisc | |
Cvfsmount | |
Cvm_area_struct | |
CVolatilityDTB | A scanner for DTB values |
CVolatilityLinuxARMValidAS | An object to check that an address space is a valid Arm Paged space |
CVolatilityLinuxIntelValidAS | An object to check that an address space is a valid Arm Paged space |
►Nmac | |
►Nmac | |
CBashEnvYaraScanner | A scanner over all memory regions of a process |
CcatfishScan | Scanner for Catfish string for Mountain Lion |
Cdyld32_image_info | |
Cdyld64_image_info | |
CDyldTypes | |
Cfileglob | |
Cifnet | |
Cinpcb | |
Cinpcbinfo | |
Ckauth_scope | |
CMacObjectClasses | |
CMacOverlay | |
CMigTypes | |
COSString | |
Cproc | |
Cqueue_entry | |
Crtentry | |
Csockaddr | |
Csockaddr_dl | |
Csocket | |
Csysctl_oid | |
Cthread | |
Cvm_map_entry | |
Cvm_map_object | |
Cvnode | |
CVolatilityDTB | A scanner for DTB values |
CVolatilityMacIntelValidAS | An object to check that an address space is a valid Mac Intel Paged space |
Czone | |
►Nmacho | |
Cmacho | |
Cmacho32_dysymtab_command | |
Cmacho32_header | |
Cmacho32_load_command | |
Cmacho32_nlist | |
Cmacho32_section | |
Cmacho32_segment_command | |
Cmacho32_symtab_command | |
Cmacho64_dysymtab_command | |
Cmacho64_header | |
Cmacho64_load_command | |
Cmacho64_nlist | |
Cmacho64_section | |
Cmacho64_segment_command | |
Cmacho64_symtab_command | |
Cmacho_dysymtab_command | A macho symtab command |
Cmacho_header | An macho header |
Cmacho_load_command | A macho load command |
Cmacho_nlist | A macho nlist |
Cmacho_section | An macho section header |
Cmacho_segment_command | A macho segment command |
Cmacho_symtab_command | A macho symtab command |
CMachoModification | |
CMachoOverlay | |
CMachoTypes | |
►Nwindows | |
►Nhibernate_vtypes | |
CHiberVistaSP01x64 | |
CHiberVistaSP01x86 | |
CHiberVistaSP2x64 | |
CHiberVistaSP2x86 | |
CHiberWin2003x64 | |
CHiberWin7SP01x64 | |
CHiberWin7SP01x86 | |
►Nkdbg_vtypes | |
C_KDDEBUGGER_DATA64 | A class for KDBG |
CKDBGObjectClass | Add the KDBG object class to all Windows profiles |
CUnloadedDriverVTypes | Add the unloaded driver structure definitions |
►Nkpcr_vtypes | |
C_KPCROnx64 | KPCR for x64 windows |
C_KPCROnx86 | KPCR for 32bit windows |
CKPCRProfileModification | |
►Npe_vtypes | |
C_IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY | Class for PE export directory |
C_IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR | Handles IID entries for imported functions |
C_IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR_STRING_U | Handles Unicode-esque strings in IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY structures |
C_IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY | Handles Directory Entries |
C_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY | Class for PE file / modules |
C_VS_FIXEDFILEINFO | Fixed (language and codepage independent) information |
C_VS_VERSION_INFO | Version Information |
CVerStruct | Generic Version Structure |
CWinPEObjectClasses | |
CWinPEVTypes | |
CWinPEx64VTypes | |
►Nssdt_vtypes | |
CAbstractSyscalls | |
CVistaSP0Syscalls | |
CVistaSP0x64Syscalls | |
CVistaSP12Syscalls | |
CVistaSP12x64Syscalls | |
CWin2003SP0Syscalls | |
CWin2003SP12Syscalls | |
CWin2003SP12x64Syscalls | |
CWin2003SyscallVTypes | |
CWin64SyscallVTypes | |
CWin7SP01Syscalls | |
CWin7SP01x64Syscalls | |
CWin8SP0x64Syscalls | |
CWin8SP0x86Syscalls | |
CWin8SP1x64Syscalls | |
CWin8SP1x86Syscalls | |
CWinSyscallsAttribute | |
CWinXPSyscalls | |
►Ntcpip_vtypes | |
CVista2008Tcpip | |
CVistaSP12x64Tcpip | |
CWin2003SP12Tcpip | |
CWin7Tcpip | |
CWin7Vista2008x64Tcpip | |
CWin7x64Tcpip | |
CWin81Tcpip | |
CWin81x64Tcpip | |
CWin8Tcpip | |
CWin8x64Tcpip | |
CWinXP2003AddressObject | |
CWinXP2003Tcpipx64 | |
►Nvad_vtypes | |
C_MMVAD_2003 | |
C_MMVAD_LONG_2003 | |
C_MMVAD_SHORT_2003 | |
CVadFlags | |
CVadFlagsModification | |
CVadTagModification | |
CVadTraverser | |
CVistaVad | |
CWin2003x86Vad | |
CWin81Vad | |
CWin8Vad | |
CWinXPx86Vad | |
►Nvista | |
C_ETHREAD | A class for Windows 7 ETHREAD objects |
C_POOL_HEADER | A class for pool headers |
CVistaKDBG | |
CVistaObjectClasses | |
CVistaPolicyKey | |
CVistaSP0x64 | A Profile for Windows Vista SP0 x64 |
CVistaSP0x64Hiber | |
CVistaSP0x86 | A Profile for Windows Vista SP0 x86 |
CVistaSP0x86Hiber | |
CVistaSP1KDBG | |
CVistaSP1x64 | A Profile for Windows Vista SP1 x64 |
CVistaSP1x64Hiber | |
CVistaSP1x86 | A Profile for Windows Vista SP1 x86 |
CVistaSP1x86Hiber | |
CVistaSP2x64 | A Profile for Windows Vista SP2 x64 |
CVistaSP2x64Hiber | |
CVistaSP2x86 | A Profile for Windows Vista SP2 x86 |
CVistaSP2x86Hiber | |
CVistaWin7KPCR | |
CVistax64DTB | |
CVistax86DTB | |
CWin2008SP1x64 | A Profile for Windows 2008 SP1 x64 |
CWin2008SP1x86 | A Profile for Windows 2008 SP1 x86 |
CWin2008SP2x64 | A Profile for Windows 2008 SP2 x64 |
►Nwin10 | |
CObHeaderCookieStore | A class for finding and storing the nt!ObHeaderCookie value |
CVolatilityCookie | The Windows 10 Cookie Finder |
CWin10Cookie | The Windows 10 Cookie Finder |
CWin10ObjectHeader | |
CWin10Registry | The Windows 10 registry HMAP |
CWin10x64 | A Profile for Windows 10 x64 |
CWin10x64DTB | The Windows 10 64-bit DTB signature |
CWin10x86 | A Profile for Windows 10 x86 |
CWin10x86DTB | The Windows 10 32-bit DTB signature |
►Nwin2003 | |
CEThreadCreateTime | |
CWin2003KDBG | |
CWin2003SP0x86 | A Profile for Windows 2003 SP0 x86 |
CWin2003SP0x86DTB | |
CWin2003SP1x64 | A Profile for Windows 2003 SP1 x64 |
CWin2003SP1x86 | A Profile for Windows 2003 SP1 x86 |
CWin2003SP2x64 | A Profile for Windows 2003 SP2 x64 |
CWin2003SP2x86 | A Profile for Windows 2003 SP2 x86 |
CWin2003x64DTB | |
CWin2003x64Hiber | |
CWin2003x86DTB | |
CWin2003x86Hiber | |
CWinXPSP1x64 | A Profile for Windows XP SP1 x64 |
►Nwin7 | |
C_OBJECT_HEADER | A Volatility object to handle Windows 7 object headers |
CWin2008R2SP0x64 | A Profile for Windows 2008 R2 SP0 x64 |
CWin7KDBG | |
CWin7ObjectClasses | |
CWin7Pointer64 | |
CWin7SP0x64 | A Profile for Windows 7 SP0 x64 |
CWin7SP0x86 | A Profile for Windows 7 SP0 x86 |
CWin7SP1x64 | A Profile for Windows 7 SP1 x64 |
CWin7SP1x86 | A Profile for Windows 7 SP1 x86 |
CWin7x64DTB | |
CWin7x64Hiber | |
CWin7x86DTB | |
CWin7x86Hiber | |
►Nwin8 | |
C_HANDLE_TABLE32 | A class for 32-bit Windows 8 handle tables |
C_HANDLE_TABLE64 | A class for 64-bit Windows 8 / 2012 handle tables |
C_HANDLE_TABLE_81R264 | A class for 64-bit Windows 8.1 / 2012 R2 handle tables |
C_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY | A class for DLL modules |
C_OBJECT_HEADER | A class for object headers on Win 8 / Server 2012 |
C_OBJECT_HEADER_81R2 | A class for object headers on Win 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 |
C_PSP_CID_TABLE32 | PspCidTable for 32-bit Windows 8 |
C_PSP_CID_TABLE64 | PspCidTable for 64-bit Windows 8 and Server 2012 |
C_PSP_CID_TABLE_81R264 | PspCidTable for 64-bit Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2 |
CWin2012R2x64 | A Profile for Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 |
CWin2012x64 | A Profile for Windows Server 2012 x64 |
CWin81U1x64 | A Profile for Windows 8.1 Update 1 x64 |
CWin81U1x86 | A Profile for Windows 8.1 Update 1 x86 |
CWin8KDBG | The Windows 8 / 2012 KDBG signatures |
CWin8ObjectClasses | |
CWin8SP0x64 | A Profile for Windows 8 x64 |
CWin8SP0x86 | A Profile for Windows 8 x86 |
CWin8SP1x64 | A Profile for Windows 8.1 x64 |
CWin8SP1x86 | A Profile for Windows 8.1 x86 |
CWin8x64DTB | The Windows 8 32-bit DTB signature |
CWin8x64MaxCommit | The Windows 8 / Server 2012 MM_MAX_COMMIT value |
CWin8x86DTB | The Windows 8 32-bit DTB signature |
CWin8x86SyscallVTypes | Applying the SSDT structures for Win 8 32-bit |
►Nwin8_kdbg | |
CVolatilityKDBG | A Scanner for KDBG data within an address space |
CWin8x64VolatilityKDBG | Apply the KDBG finder for x64 |
►Nwindows | |
C_CM_KEY_BODY | Registry key |
C_CMHIVE | Registry hive |
C_EPROCESS | An extensive _EPROCESS with bells and whistles |
C_ETHREAD | A class for threads |
C_FILE_OBJECT | Class for file objects |
C_KMUTANT | A mutex object |
C_LIST_ENTRY | Adds iterators for _LIST_ENTRY types |
C_OBJECT_HEADER | A Volatility object to handle Windows object headers |
C_OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK | A symbolic link object |
C_POOL_HEADER | A class for pool headers |
C_TOKEN | A class for Tokens |
C_UNICODE_STRING | Class representing a _UNICODE_STRING |
CAbstractKDBGMod | |
CDosDate | |
CExecutiveObjectMixin | A mixin for executive objects to allow easy derivation of the object's _OBJECT_HEADER struct |
CHandleTableEntryPreWin8 | A modification for handle table entries before Windows 8 |
CPoolTagModification | A modification for variable pool tags across Windows versions |
CThreadCreateTimeStamp | Handles ThreadCreateTimeStamps which are bit shifted WinTimeStamps |
CVolatilityAMD64ValidAS | |
CVolatilityIA32ValidAS | An object to check that an address space is a valid IA32 Paged space |
CVolatilityKDBG | A Scanner for KDBG data within an address space |
CVolatilityKPCR | A scanner for KPCR data within an address space |
CVolMagicPoolTag | The pool tag for a specific data structure on a given OS |
CWindowsObjectClasses | |
CWindowsOverlay | |
CWindowsVTypes | |
CWinTimeStamp | Class for handling Windows Time Stamps |
►Nwindows64 | |
CExFastRefx64 | |
CPointer64Decorator | |
CWindows64Overlay | |
►Nxp | |
CWinXPSP2x86 | A Profile for Windows XP SP2 x86 |
CWinXPSP3x86 | A Profile for Windows XP SP3 x86 |
CXPOverlay | |
►Npatcher | |
CMultiPageScanner | Scans a page at a time through the address space |
CPatcher | Patches memory based on page scans |
CPatcherObject | Simple object to hold patching data |
►Npooltracker | |
CGenericPoolScan | Configurable pool scanner |
CPoolPeek | Configurable pool scanner plugin |
CPoolTracker | Show a summary of pool tag usage |
CPoolTrackTagOverlay | Overlays for pool trackers |
►Nprivileges | |
CPrivs | |
CTokenXP2003 | |
►Nprocdump | |
CProcDump | Dump a process to an executable file sample |
►Npstree | |
CProcessAuditVTypes | |
CPSTree | Print process list as a tree |
►Nraw2dmp | |
CRaw2dmp | Converts a physical memory sample to a windbg crash dump |
►Nregistry | |
►Namcache | |
CAmCache | |
►Nauditpol | |
CAudipolWin7 | |
CAuditpol | Prints out the Audit Policies from HKLM\SECURITY\Policy\PolAdtEv |
CAuditPolData7 | |
CAuditPolDataVista | |
CAuditPolDataXP | |
CAuditpolTypesVista | |
CAuditpolTypesXP | |
►Ndumpregistry | |
CDumpRegistry | Dumps registry files out to disk |
►Nhivelist | |
CHiveList | Print list of registry hives |
►Nhivescan | |
CHiveScan | Pool scanner for registry hives |
CPoolScanHive | Pool scanner for registry hives |
►Nlsadump | |
CCacheDump | Dumps cached domain hashes from memory |
CHashDump | Dumps passwords hashes (LM/NTLM) from memory |
CLSADump | Dump (decrypted) LSA secrets from the registry |
►Nprintkey | |
CHiveDump | Prints out a hive |
CPrintKey | |
►Nregistryapi | |
CRegistryApi | A wrapper several highly used Registry functions |
►Nshellbags | |
C_GUID | Type overrides for output below ##### |
CNullString | |
CShellBags | Prints ShellBags info |
CShellBagsTypesVista | |
CShellBagsTypesWin7 | |
CShellBagsTypesXP | |
►Nshimcache | |
CShimCache | Parses the Application Compatibility Shim Cache registry key |
CShimCacheTypes2003x64 | |
CShimCacheTypes2003x86 | |
CShimCacheTypesVistax64 | |
CShimCacheTypesVistax86 | |
CShimCacheTypesWin7x64 | |
CShimCacheTypesWin7x86 | |
CShimCacheTypesXPx86 | |
►Nshutdown | |
CShutdownTime | |
►Nuserassist | |
CUserAssist | |
CUserAssistVTypes | |
CUserAssistWin7VTypes | |
►Nsockets | |
CSockets | Print list of open sockets |
►Nsockscan | |
CPoolScanSocket | Pool scanner for tcp socket objects |
CSockScan | Pool scanner for tcp socket objects |
►Nssdt | |
►Nstrings | |
CStrings | Match physical offsets to virtual addresses (may take a while, VERY verbose) |
►Ntaskmods | |
CDllList | Print list of loaded dlls for each process |
CMemDump | Dump the addressable memory for a process |
CMemMap | Print the memory map |
CPSList | Print all running processes by following the EPROCESS lists |
►Ntcaudit | |
CTrueCryptMaster | Recover TrueCrypt 7.1a Master Keys |
CTrueCryptPassphrase | TrueCrypt Cached Passphrase Finder |
CTrueCryptSummary | TrueCrypt Summary |
►Ntimeliner | |
CTimeLiner | Creates a timeline from various artifacts in memory |
CWin7LdrDataTableEntry | |
CWinAllTime | |
CWinXPTrim | |
►Nvadinfo | |
CVADDump | Dumps out the vad sections to a file |
CVADInfo | Dump the VAD info |
CVADTree | Walk the VAD tree and display in tree format |
CVADWalk | Walk the VAD tree |
►Nvboxinfo | |
CQemuInfo | Dump Qemu information |
CVBoxInfo | Dump virtualbox information |
►Nverinfo | |
CVerInfo | Prints out the version information from PE images |
►Nvmwareinfo | |
CVMwareInfo | Dump VMware VMSS/VMSN information |
►Nvolshell | |
Cvolshell | Shell in the memory image |
►Nwin10cookie | |
CWin10Cookie | Find the ObHeaderCookie value for Windows 10 |
►Npoolscan | |
CCheckPoolSize | Check pool block size |
CCheckPoolType | Check the pool type |
CMultiPoolScanner | An optimized scanner for pool tags |
CMultiScanInterface | An interface into a scanner that can find multiple pool tags in a single pass through an address space |
CPoolScanner | A generic pool scanner class |
CPoolTagCheck | The following are checks for pool scanners |
CSinglePoolScanner | |
►Nregistry | |
CPluginImporter | This class searches through a comma-separated list of plugins and imports all classes found, based on their path and a fixed prefix |
►Nrenderers | |
►Nbasic | |
CAddress | Integer class to allow renderers to differentiate between addresses and numbers |
CAddress64 | Integer class to allow renderers to differentiate between addresses and numbers |
CBytes | String class to allow us to encode binary data |
CHex | Integer class to allow renderers to differentiate between addresses and numbers |
CRenderer | |
►Ndot | |
CDotRenderer | |
►Nhtml | |
CHTMLRenderer | |
CJSONRenderer | |
►Nsqlite | |
CSqliteRenderer | |
►Ntext | |
CCellRenderer | Class to handle rendering of a particular cell in a text grid |
CFormatCellRenderer | Class to handle rendering each cell of a grid |
CGrepTextRenderer | |
CTextRenderer | |
►Nxlsx | |
CXLSXRenderer | |
CColumnSortKey | |
CTreeGrid | Class providing the interface for a TreeGrid (which contains TreeNodes) |
CTreeNode | Class representing a particular node in a tree grid |
CTreePopulationError | Exception class for accessing functions on an partially populated tree |
►Nscan | |
CBaseScanner | Following is the new implementation of the scanning framework |
CDiscontigScanner | |
CScannerCheck | A scanner check is a special class which is invoked on an AS to check for a specific condition |
►Ntimefmt | |
COffsetTzInfo | Timezone implementation that allows offsets specified in seconds |
CUTC | Concrete instance of the UTC timezone |
►Nvalidity | |
CValidityRoutines | Created on 4 May 2013 |
►Nwin32 | |
►Nhive | |
CHiveAddressSpace | |
CHiveFileAddressSpace | |
▼Nvtype_diff | |
CVtypeHolder | |