def | rc4 (self, key, encoded, login_key) |
| Perform a basic RC4 operation. More...
def | decode_magic (self, config_key) |
| Decode the magic buffer using RC4 and the LOGIN_KEY. More...
def | check_matches (self, task_space, vad, matches, last_sec_data) |
| Check the Yara matches and derive the encoded/decoded config objects and magic structures. More...
def | render_extra (self, outfd, task, vad, params) |
| Show Citadel specific fields.
def | rc4 (self, key, encoded) |
| Perform a basic RC4 operation.
def | rc4_init (self, data) |
| Initialize the RC4 keystate.
def | decode_config (self, encoded_config, last_sec_data) |
| Decode the config with data from the last PE section. More...
def | check_matches (self, task_space, vad, matches, last_sec_data) |
| Check the Yara matches and derive the encoded/decoded config objects and magic structures. More...
def | decode_magic (self, config_key) |
| Decode the magic structure using the configuration key. More...
def | scan_key (self, task_space) |
| Find the offset of the RC4 key and use it to decode the magic buffer. More...
def | calculate (self) |
def | render_extra (self, outfd, task, vad, params) |
| Show any Zeus specific fields.
def | render_text (self, outfd, data) |
| Render the plugin's default text output.
Locate and Decrypt Citadel Configs.